I bought a NEW $70,000 fisker ocean for 85% off because they couldn’t fix it
Head to https://squarespace.com/richrebuilds to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code richrebuilds
Help a good cause and win an EV with a raffle ticket from CCAN Action Fund here https://bit.ly/2024EVRaffle
We were right
Check Out our Merch – https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/rich-rebuilds
For sponsorship inquiries contact us here – sponsorships@richrebuilds.com
For other EV issues/questions – info@electrifiedgarage.com
My E-mail: richrebuilds@gmail.com
Please support us on Patreon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richiebkidd/
Rich Rebuilds
P.O. Box 1041
Salem, MA 01970